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RFID - IC, Prox, & SIM Smart Cards

Recently, Spectrum Card realized that we could offer our customers so much more in terms of their secure and programmable card solutions. So we decided to extend our business into the other side of the card word - Smart Cards.

Having partnered with two of the largest card manufacturing companies, based in Texas and China, that utilize the latest in RFID, security, and processing technologies, Spectrum Card has now extended its inventory to include IC, Proximity (Prox), and SIM smart cards. From perimiter access badges to contactless payment cards - everything in between - Spectrum Card is now your one-stop shopping experience for anything card related.

Our secure cards offer new Smart Card and RFID technology using encrypted tamperproof codes and more memory for enhanced data and security protection. Rest assured that we utilize stringent quality assurance and inventory control processes to ensure the integrity of each card, eliminating card duplicates and fraud.

Smart card options inlude:

* Siemens SLE4442, SLE4428, & SLE5528 chips
* HID Proximity 1326, 1346
* Atmel T5557, T5567, & ATA5567 RFID
* 1K-8K memory
* Gym Assistant Proximity Cards & Key Fobs

There are many more options available. Please contact a card production specialist to find the smart card solution that meets your needs.

« Browse our online catalog by following the links to the left to see more product features.

Get a Free Custom Card Quote!

Have questions? To speak with a card production specialist and receive a FREE estimate, call us toll-free at 1-866.864.0770 or
at 949-371-5690 (local), or fill out a custom quote request. We'll be happy to assist you.

Toll Free: 1.866.864.0770
Local: 949.371.5690
Fax: 720.293.0755